Join us in a fast for peace on August 15, 2024


What is the fast for peace?

The fast for peace answers Gandhi’s challenge.
“The fifteenth is the day of our trial. Observe a fast on that day.”

The fast for peace promotes Gandhi’s lessons:
truth and nonviolence;
tolerance and voluntary temperance;
simplicity and self-control.

The fast for peace on the 15th is simple:
Just drink water for 24 hours.
No food, no intoxicants.
Put a peaceful intention in your day.

The fast is an open invitation for cooperation.
Peace is possible if we want it.
Who will fast for peace?

Next fast for peace in








July’s #fastforpeace Charity

Each month, participants in the fast for peace are encouraged to donate the money they saved on food to help others, and nominate charities or causes during the post-fast survey. As Americans celebrate the anniversary of our independence, Veterans For Peace was selected for July’s #fastforpeace charity. Members of Veterans For Peace pledge to use their experiences and nonviolent means to build a culture of peace by informing the public of the true causes and costs of wars, advocating for a dismantling of the war economy as an instrument of national policy. You can learn more about their efforts and make a donation through their website,

“Fasting is an age-old institution. We fast when we do not feel pure, we fast as a penance for our past.” ~ M.K. Gandhi