Will you pledge to fast for peace?

Welcome! Fastforpeace.org’s mission is inspired by Mohandas Gandhi’s fasts for peace in India, which reduced violence and unified diverse people during turbulent times. Each month, people around the United States and the world fast.

The 15th of each month is the fast for peace: abstaining from food and recreational intoxicants for 24 hours, and drinking only water. (Gandhi recommended a dinner-to-dinner fast.) Participants are also invited to a Zoom social at 7:00 PM ET, to share our experiences: you will be emailed a link.

Will you join the next fast for peace, abstaining from food and recreational intoxicants, just drinking water? If yes, please enter the date you will participate. You may also add an addition message in the space provided.

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“We have no right by fasts to convert people to our ideals. That would be a species of violence. But it is our duty to strengthen by our fasting those who hold the same ideals, but are likely to weaken under pressure.” ` M.K. Gandhi